This webinar is for homelessness charities, local authorities, housing association and others interested in MMC. We will explore:
- The benefits of compact modular homes and MMC compared to traditional build
- The specific application of different kinds of MMC in alleviating the homelessness crisis in the UK
- How MMC is creating supportive transitional communities
- Good practice examples of supported transitional housing communities
The webinar will be chaired by Homeless Link’s National Practice Development Team, with presentations and discussion from:
- Trina Chakravarti – Director | Building Better
- Jessie Wilde – Deputy Project Director | Housing Festival
- Lewis Herbert – Manager | Allia Future Homes
- Daniel Renn – Housing Development Lead | Allia Future Homes
- Darren Alexander – Assistant Director Housing Demand | Havering Council
- Matt Wiseman – Team Leader | Jimmy’s Cambridge
- Eamonn Kelly – Resident | Jimmy’s Cambridge
- Henrietta MacEwen – Charity Partnership Consultant | Designing with Dignity