Tamworth Cornerstone HA
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Young single homeless people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Who we cannot help
History of arson, sex offence, schedule 1 offence.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Applicants can apply direct or via Social Services or their local authority.
Referral procedure
Open referral system. Prefer referrals from LA's and Soc Svc, but applicants can self refer.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
1-3 Months
Maximum stay
2 Years
Support and accommodation
Support offered
10 full/part time staff provide 24/7 support, emergency on-call system. Differing levels of support in intensive unit, cluster unit and move-on flats. Keywork system. Provide advice and support around life skills, budgeting, benefits, health, personal hygiene, confidence building, interpersonal skills, careers, work placements, training, educational opportunities and accessing specialist agencies.
Total spaces
14 hostel rooms including 7 intensive support rooms (all single occupancy and lockable), 33 one bedroomed flats, two shared houses
Further information
Public transport
Tamworth train station - 20 minutes walk. Bus stop immediately outside project.