Latest News
Annual statutory homelessness data shows homelessness is surging
Homeless Link responds, raising the looming funding cliff edge for homelessness services.
New episode of the Going Beyond podcast on accessing and maintaining private rented accommodation
In Episode 3 of Series 5 of the Going Beyond Podcast, we speak to Tracey from Winchester City Council, Tara from Vision Housing at the Forward Trust, and Tim and Caprice from Greater Manchester Better Outcomes Partnership.
The Pudsey Next Steps funding programme
The Pudsey Next Steps funding programme
Forthcoming Events
Training: In-Form Reports & Dashboards
Policy Influencing Network: Coproduction and influencing
Complex Needs, Dual Diagnosis and Personality Disorder
This course will provide an introduction to the these topics and will explore ways of supporting people and maintaining staff wellbeing.
Housing Law: tenancies and licences
This one day course will explore common issues relating to tenancies and licences.