A Home for Everyone

During the 2024 General Election Campaign, 'A Home for Everyone' was Homeless Link's campaign outlining the approach the next Government must take to end homelessness.

Through our members we engaged with hundreds of candidates as well as all the national parties. The election is over now, but the campaigning continues to ensure the new government prioritises ending homelessness. New resources are available to support members to contact your new MP.

Take action now

A stronger voice together

Homeless Link represents organisations working on homelessness throughout the country. We listen carefully to what our members are finding on the ground and give a stronger voice to them and to the sector as we work to improve policies at local and national level and build a movement to end homelessness.

Latest policy work

Alongside the campaign highlighted above Homeless Link's policy team are working on a series of issues, raised with us by our members. This includes:-

Keep Our Doors Open

Keep Our Doors Open is Homeless Link’s campaign to give homelessness services the resources they need to continue to support people in the face of rising inflation and costs.

Find out more

Cover the Cost

Our members tell us that one of the major causes of homelessness is unaffordable rents. The local housing allowance (LHA) has been frozen since 2020, which means that as rents increase more and more people on low incomes cannot afford to keep their homes. We are calling on the Government at Autumn Statement to unfreeze the LHA immediately.

Find out more

Exempt Accommodation

Homeless Link has welcomed the new legislation to regulate exempt accommodation providers. The rogue landlords who have exploited the system deserve to be excluded. But we must also protect the good providers. The government is running a consultation later this year on how the new law will be implemented and Homeless Link will be organising a consultation with our members to feed in.

Read our previous submission

Non UK Nationals

People who come to the UK from elsewhere have complex rights to housing. The law is constantly changing, and non UK nationals often end up homeless. Our members are deeply concerned with this, so we continue to work with the Home Office and local authorities to cut through the rhetoric and ensure that people get the help and support that they are entitled to.

Find out more

Get involved

Our influencing work is dependent on membership involvement. There are lots of ways that you can take part:-

National Advisory Council

Our National Advisory Council (NAC) is made up of representatives of the homelessness sector. It meets quarterly to talk about the policy issues that are currently affecting homelessness. To find out more please get in touch.

Get in touch

Policy Influencing Network

The Policy Influencing Network is for anyone in the sector working on influencing and is a place to come together to share intelligence and offer support.

Read more here

Campaign Key Supporters

For each of our campaigns we have a network of key member organisations who sign up to letters and take actions in their own areas. For more information about our current campaign see this page.

Find out more

News from campaigning and influencing

Here are some of the latest news items from the policy and campaigning area. For all news see below:

Policy and Campaigns Team

  • 6M5A1691

    Sophie Boobis

    Head of Policy and Research

  • 41

    Nye Jones

    Campaigns Manager

  • 6M5A1663

    Cat Tottie

    Policy Manager

  • 20210516_155222

    Kateya Mbita

    Policy Manager

Talk To Us


Sophie Boobis

Head of Policy and Research

Head of Policy and Research