We are pleased to invite you to participate in the piloting of workshops which focus on compassion and curiosity as antidotes to trauma.

The workshops are designed for workers and team leaders in frontline homelessness services. Through exploring compassion for others (our clients) and compassion for self, the workshops aim to help you get curious about your subconscious drivers, and develop your capacity to respond – not react, to the challenges you face at work.

We hope you’ll leave feeling grounded, with more curiosity and compassion and some ideas to implement in your practice and everyday life.

The day will involve:

  • Participating in two workshops: ‘You can’t fix someone if they’re not broken’ and ‘Who do we blame?’
  • Keeping things real by reflecting on your own experiences and those of the people you support
  • Whole group, small group and individual reflection and learning

Lunch provided

What we need from you:

  • To commit to the full day, for group trust and safety
  • To complete an evaluation form after the event

About the workshops

Part 1: You can’t fix someone if they’re not broken

This workshop will involve getting curious about your clients’ and your own ‘problematic’ behaviours. We’ll ask whether these behaviours could be the solution to meeting normal human needs, instead of the problem.

We’ll explore how we can (unconsciously) react, and sometimes jump to fix, these ‘problems’ and think about what that’s like for the people we support.

Together we’ll see that when we listen to and nurture our unique processes, amazing things can happen.

You’ll learn about:

  • Understanding coping mechanisms
  • Getting curious about subconscious parts (e.g. the part that wants to fix, help, teach etc.)
  • Connecting to and trusting your unique process

Part two: Who do we blame?

When our client is angry, who do they blame? When we are angry, who do we blame? When our client directs anger towards us, how do we feel? When we direct anger towards others, how might they feel?

Following from the morning, we’ll explore anger as an expression of unmet needs. We’ll consider what happens when we respond, instead of react, and how we can take responsibility to get our needs met as best we can. Together we’ll explore anger, its function and its effects on ourselves and others.

We’ll learn about:

  • The function and effects of anger – ‘healthy’ vs. ’unhealthy’
  • What anger feels like in our bodies?
  • Identifying our needs
  • Taking responsibility for ourselves

About the facilitator

Joe Baldock is a therapeutic coach, consultant and facilitator who has previously worked in homelessness services. His passion is to support people working in the helping professions to bring more self-compassion and self-awareness to themselves and their work. Joe trained with Dr. Gabor Mate, an internationally renowned expert in addiction, trauma, stress and child development. Find out more about Joe here: https://joebaldock.com/


£25 per person

Bookings are limited to 1 person per organisation to allow for fair access.

The workshops are heavily subsidised with funding from St Martin’s Charity as part of Homeless Link’s ‘Homeless Practice Incubator’ programme.




Homeless Link, Minories House, 2-5 Minories, London, EC3N 1BJ


Bookings can be made via Eventbrite. No invoices can be raised for this event.

Cancellation policy

If you wish to cancel a booking, cancellations must be made by emailing Lana.Newby@homelesslink.org.uk and please copy in training@homelesslink.org.uk

Cancellations made with notice of 10 working days (14 calendar days) or less ahead of the scheduled training date will incur the full course ticket fee being charged, this includes cancellations for sickness. Where possible, please try to find another delegate to attend in the person's place.

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