Housing First is an internationally recognised model, which has seen some incredibly positive results in services across England, but it is not without challenges. One of the most significant challenges faced by those involved in both commissioning and delivering Housing First is securing timely, appropriate and affordable housing.
This webinar will hear from four different Housing First services about the ways they have worked to increase the supply of social housing, manage effective partnerships with housing providers, and adopt the Housing First principles into housing management teams.
Speakers include:
- Greater Manchester Housing First on the Active Tenancies model.
- Liverpool City Region Housing First on securing priority need for Housing First individuals within the allocations policy.
- Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse on managing partnerships with housing providers as part of the Westminster VAWG Housing First service.
- Bromford Housing Association and a Community Manager’s journey with Housing First, from sceptic to advocate.
Who is this webinar for?
This webinar is for Housing First practitioners, managers and commissioners, as well as anyone thinking about developing a new Housing First service.