1625 Independent People Dispersed Housing
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Young single people aged 16-25 with low support needs who are homeless or in housing need and have a local connection to the Bristol area. Applicants must be willing to engage with the support on offer. A number of the properties are specifically for young parents. Move on Project - other properties provide shared housing for young people in education, employment or training with no support needs who need affordable housing.
Mixed, men only & women only
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
The 150 units of accommodation (for young single people in need of low support and for young parents) can only be accessed by young people referred through the Bristol City Council Housing Support Register (HSR). There is information on the 1625 Independent People website ( about how to apply to the Bristol City Council Housing Support Register. For the 15 MOP units of accommodation, interested individuals can self-refer by contacting 1625 Independent People.
Referral procedure
Can only house single people who are 16-22 years old and are referred to us through Bristol City Council’s Housing Support Register.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
3-6 Months
Maximum stay
1 Year
Support and accommodation
Support offered
The staff team working across all these properties work Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
Regular visits to residents, usually once or twice per week. Action plans with agreed outcomes reviewed regularly. Practical and emotional support and advocacy offered around independent living skills, budgeting, accessing specialist health and advice services and dealing with nuisance and neighbour disputes.
Total spaces
142 plus 15 move on spaces
Further information
Public transport
Kingsley Hall office is in central Bristol – directions available on website; properties are based all over the city of Bristol.