Adullam Homes HA - Liberty House Salford
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Single homeless 16-24 year olds. Priority given to 16/17 year olds. Must have Salford connection. All referrals are assessed on an individual basis and without judgement. Applicants must be willing to engage with services, make progress with independent living skills and work towards education, training or employment.
Who we cannot help
Those assessed as ‘too high risk’ for current staffing levels and balance of other residents. Applicants will be assessed fairly and feedback given on decision.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Main referral routes through Salford City Council, however, referrals accepted from any source including self referrals.
Referral procedure
Referrals can be emailed at any time. Assessments will be offered Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. Referral form can be requested via post or email. Applicants will ideally provide ID and proof of benefits (if available). References will be requested as part of the assessment process.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
Maximum stay
3-6 Months
Support and accommodation
Support offered
Every young person is allocated their own named key worker who work from 7.30am – 8.30pm Monday to Friday. The service is staffed 24 hours, lone working from 8pm to 8am each night and over weekend. The service achieves very good outcomes for NEET young people and moving young people on in a planned and positive way. We encourage peer support and link with lots of external agencies in creative and engaging ways.
Total spaces
Further information
Public transport
52 bus from Salford
135 bus from Manchester
Nearest metro stop is Crumpsall (5 mins walk).
Please contact for more information.