Adullam Homes HA - Salisbury House
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Accommodation units are available to: care leavers and Young single people aged 16-21 section 17 or UASC.
Who we cannot help
Discuss every referral at our fortnightly panel meeting to see if they would succeed in our accommodation. If the referral is to high risk always looking at alternative accommodation and will pass this across to the referee.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Through listed email
Referral procedure
Fortnightly allocation and referral panels
Length of stay
Minimum stay
Maximum stay
6 months - 1 Year
Support and accommodation
Support offered
Mix of accommodation units (39 units) across Chesterfield and High Peak.
Including 2 x units with 24 hour concierge staff. Key worker system with weekly meetings. Support plans. Programme of activities. Objectives are to help young people develop independent living skills, confidence and move on next stage accommodation.
Total spaces
Mostly self contained, furnished units. A few s/c flats in the community; most within Adullam buildings with staff resources on site.
Further information
Public transport
Buxton train station - 5-10 minutes walk. Hadfield Station – 15 mins from site. Chesterfield station – accessible from variety of sites.