
Bournemouth Churches HA -Dorset Young People's Services

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Young single homeless people aged 18 - 24,. 8 x with high support needs, can include care leavers. Priority to applicants with a local connection to East Dorset. Applicants must be willing to engage with the support on offer.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Accept referrals from East Dorset Housing Association, Leaving Care Teams, 18+ teams, Purbeck District Council, North Dorset District Council and Social Services.

Referral procedure

Housing options meeting held at Dorset Council Housing (East). Require proof of ID and background information (including proof of estrangement if applicant aged under 18).

Length of stay

Minimum stay


Maximum stay

2 Years

Support and accommodation

Support offered

Staff currently on site 24/7. Each resident allocated a support worker, night response team for serious issues over night, Staff offer support with social and life skills, independent living, obtaining benefits, gaining employment and realising training opportunities.

Total spaces


Further information

Public transport

Poole train station - 7 miles. Buses 3, 13 - 2 mins walk.