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Cambridge Cyrenians - Long Stay Accommodation

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Older single homeless people in need of a long term support. Applicants must have a local connection. we have various properties focusing on specific groups including womens, older peoples and offenders. Can accept people with dogs.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Referrals are agency only through the Streets to Homes Partnership.

Referral procedure

Referrals must be made through local policy.

Length of stay

Minimum stay


Maximum stay


Support and accommodation

Support offered

1 full time member of staff and 2 volunteer, available 9am-10.30am and 4pm-7pm daily, live-in volunteers, emergency on-call system. key worker system. Support plans with agreed outcomes, reviewed every 6 months.

Total spaces



accommodation across various locations in shared communal houses, with between, 4-10 bed properties.

Further information

Public transport

All projects are within the City of Cambridge and on good public transport routes where appropriate.