Catalyst - Young Persons Services Stevenage
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Young single homeless people aged 16-25 with support needs, including those with low level drug, alcohol or mental health issues. Priority to applicants with a local connection to Stevenage Borough Council area.
Who we cannot help
History of arson, violence or sex offence.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency. Many referrals come from Stevenage Borough Council, Hertfordshire Young Homeless Group, and Connexions.
Referral procedure
Phone Mon-Fri 10am-5pm for application form, completed by applicant and agency before interview. Need 2 proofs of ID, eg passport, bank statement, birth certificate, NI card, letter from GP/agency, and background information and proof of income and/or benefits.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
3-6 Months
Maximum stay
2 Years
Support and accommodation
Support offered
2 full time and 9 part time staff on-site, sleep-in cover at Hutton House and Ripon Road. Lower support with no sleep-in cover at Broadwater Crescent (last stage accommodation). Keywork system, weekly meetings. Support plans with agreed outcomes, reviews. All referrals should be emailed to the central inbox -
Total spaces
In 3 buildings.
Further information
Public transport
Stevenage Train Station for all 3 projects