Centrepoint - Quarry View and Highfield Terrace Barnsley
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Young single homeless people aged 16-24 with support needs, who Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council have assessed as being homeless. Must have a local connection to Barnsley.
Who we cannot help
All young people assessed and support needs are discussed . This can include young peoples needs and also the current young people on service
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Accept referrals via Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council and have completed assessments whilst Young People are in prison, but these referrals still come through the Homeless Team.
Referral procedure
All referrals come form Housing Options. They are sent to Centrepoint to arrange an assessment of needs. If they meet our criteria they are accepted into either an assessment bed or self-contained flat where they are offered support with independent living skills. They will then either move on to our next stage accommodation service (Highfield Terrace) or independent tenancy. Length of stay in accommodation service is around 8 months, but this is dependent on the level of support required.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
Maximum stay
6 months - 1 Year
Support and accommodation
Support offered
Quarry View - Staff provide 24 hour waking cover. Weekly keyworking sessions. Provide housing related support along with health and learning. Highfield Terrace - staffed Monday to Friday 9-5. Weekly keyworking sessions. Provide housing related support along with health and learning.
Total spaces
Quarry View - residents in an assessment bed have shared access to kitchen, lounge, laundry facilities, garden. Resident of flats have shared access to garden but otherwise are fully self-contained. Highfield Terrace - shared access to garden and laundry facilities but otherwise self-contained
Further information
Public transport
Barnsley bus/railway station within walking distance of either service . All local information given when Young People move into a Centrepoint service.