
Colchester Korban Project

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

We provide supported housing for 16-25 year olds who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, who come from or have a local connection to the Colchester area. We often accommodate people who would be vulnerable at a larger scheme and some people who have learning difficulties and occasionally learning disabilities.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Colchester Joint Referral Panel and Colchester Youth Enquiry Service

Referral procedure

We are part of the Colchester Joint Referral Panel (JRP) for supported housing providers so referrals usually come through the JRP. However, we can take referrals direct on occasion and make the panel aware of this. For more info about the JRP please contact

Length of stay

Minimum stay

1-3 Months

Maximum stay

2 Years

Support and accommodation

Support offered

Each resident has a named key worker who meets with them weekly and ad hoc (eg. in emergencies), and gives support on issues such as finance & budgeting, employment, life skills, education, emotional and mental health, drugs & alcohol, self-care etc. We deliver life skills projects and organise resident social events The project is not staffed overnight or at weekends but one member of staff is always on call.

Total spaces


Further information

Public transport

Nearest train station - Colchester ( 1.5miles). Nearest bus stop - Orchard Gardens - 0.2miles (4 mins walk)