
Connection Support - Padstones

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Young single homeless people aged 16-25.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency.

Referral procedure

Phone daily 09:00 - 17:00. Application form completed by prospective resident and agency. Interview. Require proof of ID, references and background reports.

Length of stay

Minimum stay

1 Night

Maximum stay

2 Years

Support and accommodation

Support offered

6 full time and 5 part time staff, 4 volunteers, sleep-in cover. Compulsory keywork system (2-3 residents per key worker), meetings at least weekly. Support plans with agreed outcomes, reviewed as needed. Provide advice and support around life skills, literacy and numeracy, and accessing education and training.

Total spaces



Service runs across three separate buildings.

Further information

Public transport

All properties have access to local train & bus services