
DENS - The Elms Hostel

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Single homeless people. Local connection required. Can accept people with dogs.

Who we cannot help

History of arson. History of violence. Sex offenders.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

No self referrals, if wanting to self refer must go through the DENS day centre, referrals taken from all agencies.

Referral procedure

Referrals taken in person at DENS Day centre daily between 10am-4pm. Contact The Elms 01442 800131 out of office hours. Referrals must have a local connection to Dacorum.

Length of stay

Minimum stay

1 Night

Maximum stay

3-6 Months

Support and accommodation

Support offered

15 staff, 30 volunteers. 2 staff on shift each night (waking staff). Full assessment of needs and support plan within first 5 days of stay. 1:1 key work throughout stay. Staff provide advice , help with benefits and other support according to need. Regular activities workshops and training organised. Access to laundry, library, IT facilities.

Total spaces



44 single rooms, plus up to 8 Crash Pad (one night only) or Severe Weather emergency beds.