Elim HA - Tudor House
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Young single homeless people aged 16-25. Priority given to applicants with a local connection to North Somerset.
Who we cannot help
People with support needs which cannot be met by the project.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency, also via Gateway (call Homechoice North Somerset on 01934 888888).
Referral procedure
Phone Gateway Mon-Fri 9am-5pm or North Somerset Council on 01934 888888.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
Maximum stay
2 Years
Support and accommodation
Support offered
1 full time and 1 part time staff provide support Mon-Fri, maximum 2 hours contact time per week. Emergency on-call system. Skills for Life programme. Staff refer to external agencies as appropriate.
Total spaces
Further information
Public transport
Nailsea Backwell train station - 20 mins walk.