Forum Housing - The Bridge Project
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Young single homeless people aged 18-24. Local connection required.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Accept self referrals, agencies and Housing Options/Local authourity to Housing Allocations Team
Referral procedure
Phone Housing Solutions Team on 0800 234 6007 24 hours a day. Require proof of ID and income. Interview.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
3-6 Months
Maximum stay
3-6 Months
Support and accommodation
Support offered
11 full time staff, 24 hour waking cover. Each client is allocated a choice coordinator. Monthly coaching meetings. Staff offer advice on benefits, employment and training and provide help with developing independent living skills.
Total spaces
Further information
Public transport
Woodside bus terminal - 3 minutes walk. Hamilton Square train station - 2 minutes walk.