Home Group - Cyrenian House
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Single homeless people with complex needs (inc. mental health) and a local connection to Guildford.
Who we cannot help
History of arson. Decided on a case-by-case basis.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Referrals accepted from Guildford Council, HOST, Partner Agencies. Those with Guildford connections will be considered.
Referral procedure
Phone Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. (details to email referral can then be given)
Length of stay
Minimum stay
Maximum stay
2 Years
Support and accommodation
Support offered
Staff at service 24/7, contactable at any time, but loneworking from 1700-0900 . Link worker system. Provide support around independent living skills.
Total spaces
14 spaces in main hostel, 3 spaces next door as well as four move-on houses (for those who have displayed ability to live independetly, 3 spaces in each property).
Further information
Public transport
Train station - 1 minute walk.