Livewest - Ayres Close
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Young people including parents, aged 16-25 with tenancy sustainment support needs who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Priority given to people with a local connection and nominations referred via the local authority.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Only accept referrals through relevant LA housing dept
Referral procedure
Referrers need to contact Torridge District Council Housing Department for services located in Bideford and Holsworthy
Referrers need to contact North Devon District Council Housing Department for service located in Barnstaple
Length of stay
Minimum stay
3-6 Months
Maximum stay
6 months - 1 Year
Support and accommodation
Support offered
1 full time member of staff on-site Mon-Fri. Weekly support meetings. Action plans with agreed outcomes, reviewed monthly. Staff provide support around daily living skills, budgeting and household management, access to education and training.
Total spaces
6 x1 bedroom flats at Barnstaple
4 x 1 bedroom flats at Holsworthy