LiveWest - Plymouth Foyer
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Supported accommodation service for young people aged 16-24 experiencing homelessness.
Also receive referrals for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
YHIPS (Youth Homeless Prevention and Intervention Service)port Service) Hub nominations (referrals can be made by a number of partner agencies), or direct referral from Children's Services for under 18 emergency provision.
Referral procedure
Receive nominations via the recently renewed YHIPS (Youth Homeless Prevention
and Intervention Service) procedure. We will then assess their suitability for the project by conducting our own readiness assessment.
Have a 6-bed emergency accommodation provision for under 18's whereby we receive direct referrals from Children's Services. They are required to complete a referral form and risk assessment and we will assess suitability for the project and if we can meet their support needs.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
Maximum stay
3+ Years
Support and accommodation
Support offered
5 x Youth Development workers, one of which is a dedicated Move-on specialist. Each YDW has a caseload of 10/11. 1 x Training, Education and Employment Development Worker (TED), and soon to be recruiting an Apprentice Health and Wellbeing Worker. Staffing between 08:00-20:00 Mon-Sunday, with a night worker based in our emergency accommodation unit 22:00-08:30. They are responsible for those based in this unit, and any high support residents at the time Support covers all aspects development that aren’t covered by the TED, this can include housing, personal development, healthy relationships, and more.
Total spaces
Further information
Public transport
Plymouth train station - 10 minutes’ walk. City centre - 10 minutes walk.