Making Space - Blackburn Supported Housing
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
Single people with housing and long term mental health support needs. Must have a local connection to the borough of Blackburn with Darwen.
Who we cannot help
Applications are considered on a case by case basis but a significant history of arson, violence or offending would be unlikely to be suitable for this service.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency. Most referrals come from the Community Mental Health Teams.
Referral procedure
Phone Mon-Fri 9am-5pm or write for an application form, completed by applicant and referral agency prior to interview. Require information from supporting agencies, eg care coordinator, psychiatrist, GP.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
≤ 2 Years
Maximum stay
Support and accommodation
Support offered
Support Worker is based on site Monday to Friday and can assist with maintaining tenancy & property, finances, staying safe & accessing local services. Additional support can be provided via individual budgets if the local authority will commission
Total spaces
In 2 buildings.
Further information
Public transport
Primrose Ct is 5 minutes’ walk from Blackburn town centre with its bus station & shopping facilities