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Open Homes Nottingham - Nottingham Nightstop

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Young people aged 16-25 who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or vulnerably housed.

Who we cannot help

Referral agents must be aware that the young person will be placed in the spare bedroom of a volunteer host, and as such it is often worth calling ahead to discuss with us if you are unsure if a young person is suitable for the service.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Including but not limited to: Nottingham City Council - Housing Solutions, District & Borough Council Housing Departments, Adult & Children's Social Care, Emmanuel House, Framework Street Outreach Team, Notts Refugee Forum, Broxtowe Youth Homelessness.

Referral procedure

Referrals accepted Mon-Fri 10am-5pm from referral agencies only via our referral form. Agencies are able to request our referral form by contacting us via email or phone. We don't accept direct referrals.

Length of stay

Minimum stay

1 Night

Maximum stay

≤ 1 Month

Support and accommodation

Support offered

Informal practical and emotional support provided by staff and volunteer hosts.


Varies depending on number of volunteer hosts available each night. Young people are offered a private room in the volunteer host's house with shared use of the bathroom and communal facilities. All meals are provided during the placement.

Further information

Public transport

Transport is arranged by Nottingham Nightstop to get the young person to their placement for the night, usually through our team of volunteer drivers. Bus fare for transport the following morning is usually provided by referral agents or the young person, while each volunteer host will able to advice the best way to return to town.