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P3 - Gloucestershire 'Somewhere Safe to Stay' Hubs

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

People who are street homeless with a local connection to Gloucestershire. This is a direct-access, ‘first-step’ service providing short-term accommodation and support to exit the streets safely and sustainably. Can accept people with dogs.

Who we cannot help

No Automatic Exclusions.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral procedure

Referrals through the Streetlink App.

Length of stay

Minimum stay


Maximum stay

≤ 1 Month

Support and accommodation

Support offered

Hubs are staffed 24/7. On arrival to the hub, staff will provide a ‘sit up’ service to rapidly assess a person’s needs within 72 hours and design a personal housing plan to ensure a person finds relevant support to stay off the streets.

Total spaces