
Salvation Army - Southwark Young People Service (SYPS)

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

The Services on offer is for single homeless men/womenwith a local connection to Southwark , from social service referral or background, or Homeless Young People who have been assessed by Southwark as needing our support. Their aged is between 16-25 and in receipt of state benefit or funded via children services.

Who we cannot help

No Automatic Exclusions.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Southwark Council

Referral procedure

Young People may access the services offered by referral through Southwark Council only. Southwark Council has the priority over 100% of occupancy, totalling 74 accommodation-based units and floating support for up to 106 young people. All referrals come into the “one-front-door” which consists of three agencies; Southwark Council, The Salvation Army and OASIS Community Housing. Referrals will then be sent to the most appropriate service.

Length of stay

Minimum stay

1 Night

Maximum stay

1 Year

Support and accommodation

Support offered

24 hour support available.

Total spaces


Further information

Public transport

10 minute walk from Denmark Hill station. Bus routes 40, 45, 176, 185 stop at the end of the road.