
SASH (Safe and Sound Homes)

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Young single homeless people aged 16-25. Must have a local connection.

Who we cannot help

People with a history of arson, serious violence, burglary of dwellings or serious sexual offences. People at immediate risk of self-harm. People under the influence of drugs, alcohol or solvents. Those seeking a bail address. Anyone who might pose a risk to the safety of volunteers or other clients



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Only accept referrals from: York – City of York Council, Salvation Army & York College; North Yorkshire - the Housing Hubs (the District Council or Foundation Housing); East Riding of Yorkshire – East Riding of Yorkshire Council, the Hinge Centre in Bridlington, The Cherry Tree Centre in Beverley Hull – Hull City Council, The Warren, Hull Homeless Community Project

Referral procedure

Phone 7 days per week, 9am – 9pm (except East Riding, where normal office hours apply). Require background information about the applicant, which is obtained in an interview with the referring agency. We will conduct a police record check on everyone who is referred to our service before we place them. Please get in touch if you need a referral form. Need proof of ID.

Length of stay

Minimum stay

1 Night

Maximum stay

2 Years

Support and accommodation

Support offered

Young people are expected to return to the referring agency for ongoing support. A short-term ‘Nightstop’ service, which we can offer for between one and fourteen nights Longer-term ‘Supported Lodgings’ service, which offers placements that last from one to two years when staying in Nightstop. In Supported Lodgings, we offer keywork sessions that give advice and support to the young people that stay with us. We also run a SASH Active scheme that gives our young people the opportunity to gain new experience as well as useful training and skills


Varies according to availability of hosts.

Further information

Public transport

Transport provided to and from hosts' homes.