
SHP - Camden Young People's Services

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

SHP Camden Park Road is a seven bedroom, specialist service for young people with complex needs & other challenging needs which require high levels of support. This facility accommodates males and females aged between 16-21 with varying degrees of vulnerability which include serious self harm, sexual vulnerability & exploitation, emotional vulnerability, isolation, at risk of violence and manipulation, poor to basic living skills including personal hygiene, mental health, physical health, substance misuse.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Willing to consider referrals from Local Authorities or from partner agencies supporting young people under duty of care from their respective local authority.

Referral procedure

Young people must be supported by their own Local Authority as a young person in care or a care leaver. Placement willing to consider referrals from any local authority.

Length of stay

Minimum stay


Maximum stay


Support and accommodation

Support offered

The staff cover arrangements 6 full time members of staff including a dedicated manager and a select pool of waking night workers and locum staff. Camden Park Road runs a 24hour service, 4 shifts per day consisting of early, middle, late and waking night shifts. In addition there is an out of hours on call service which enables either staff to seek advise or young people having direct access to a manager out of hours. Our on call is used in the main to offer direction and support where an untoward incident may have occurred. Managers on call can attend the site if required.

Total spaces


Further information

Public transport

Camden Road/Camden Town