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Solo Housing - Norfolk Support Service

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Low needs single homeless people with low to medium support needs e.g. ex-offenders or people with alcohol, drug or mental health problems or other issues causing vulnerability. Local connection not required. Pets by permission.

Who we cannot help

History of arson. No Couples/families.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

SNDC and Broadland, Breckland Council, Probation Services, Criminal Justice System including prisons.

Referral procedure

Submit a Solo Application Form. You can download an application form from our website www.solohousing.org/. Submit a completed Hostel Application Form (HAF) and Solo Consent Form (attached). Contact the Accommodation Access Officer Tina Theobald for an informal discussion on 07760 166139 or email head office on info@solohousing.org

Length of stay

Minimum stay

1-3 Months

Maximum stay

2 Years

Support and accommodation

Support offered

6 full time staff available that cover South Norfolk and Breckland area. Available 9 – 5pm. Emergency on call system. key workers support approx. 12 residents with resident visits at least fortnightly. Support plans agreed and reviewed every 6 months. Provide support around independent living skills, training, employment, mental health, drug and alcohol misuse, confidence and engaging with the community.

Total spaces



Male only hostels, single unit accommodation for male and female, and 2 bed shared accommodation for male and female. Shared and single units for females only that are currently involved with the Criminal Justice System. Lodgings for those with no support needs.

Further information

Public transport

All properties are accessible to Public Transport usually within a 20 min walking distance.