Solo Housing - Suffolk Visiting Support
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
We provide housing solutions for single people within East Anglia, that are homeless or potentially homeless. The services are available for anyone over the age of 18.
We also provide a Women's Accommodation Scheme that accommodates women involved with the Criminal Justice System.
We work closely with Local Authorities to provide accommodation for adults sleeping rough.
Mixed, men only & women only
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Referral procedure
Satellite office so no reception. Head Office staff available 9am - 5pm. After hours on-call emergency service only. Application form to be completed by prospective resident prior to interview. Proof of ID required and background information from other agencies working with applicant. HRS applications, self referrals, agency referrals accepted.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
1-3 Months
Maximum stay
2 Years
Support and accommodation
Support offered
There are 2 x full time Solo Support Workers available that cover Stowmarket and Sudbury, as well as shared partnership work with 2 x part time Orwell Housing Support Workers covering Sudbury and 1 x part time Support Worker covering Stowmarket
Staff are available Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm. There is an emergency on call system in place out of hours covering evenings, weekends and bank holidays.
Support Workers support approx. 12 residents with visits at least fortnightly. Support plans agreed and reviewed 6 monthly. Provide support and signposting around independent living skills, training, employment, mental health , drug and alcohol misuse, confidence and engaging with the community.
Total spaces
Further information
Public transport
Train station within 15 minute walk from most of our Stowmarket / Sudbury properties.
There is a good bus link within both locations.