
St Basils - Gillott Group

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Young single people aged 16-25 with support needs who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Local connection required. Can accept people with dogs.

Who we cannot help

No Automatic Exclusions.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Single Point of access, St Basils Youth HUB

Referral procedure

Youthline / St Basils Youth HUB Call 0300 303 0099 (basic details taken and will be allocated a Homeless Prevention Officer to assess need.

Length of stay

Minimum stay

1-3 Months

Maximum stay

2 Years

Support and accommodation

Support offered

5 full time staff based on-site Mon-Fri 9.30am-8.30pm and some evenings and weekends, emergency on-call system. - please see website for more information

Total spaces



In 4 buildings.

Further information

Public transport

Buses 128, 129.