
St Mungo's - Endell Street

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Single homeless people with a connection to LB Camden. Accept rough sleepers with dogs.

Who we cannot help

any client with risks around Fire setting or Arson will be subject to a specific Fire Risk assessment before the referral can be accpted.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Camden Housing Options, Camden RTS, other Camden Pathway hostels. Accept rough sleepers [with dogs] via referral from Camden Roots off the Streets

Referral procedure

All new referrals come to the service via the Camden Referrals group composed of key staff from Camden Housing options and Roots of the Streets. Referrals from other Camden Pathway services are also triaged by the referrals group at the current time. If you have a Camden Connection please contact the Camden Homeless Prevention Team:- Email Phone 020 7974 4444. If you are rough sleeping please contact Roots off the Streets on 0207 846 3535 or email

Length of stay

Minimum stay

1-3 Months

Maximum stay

2 Years

Support and accommodation

Support offered

21 staff in total including:-, 24 hour waking cover. 2 night staff on duty at all times during the night. Hostel manager and 2 deputy Managers support a key-working team of 7 staff. Key Worker system:- key workers work with 8-9 clients each and clients are expected to engage in building a mutually agreed action plan with agreed outcomes and create a safety and well-being plan to manage risks to themselves or others. Advice & practical support around benefits, health care, substance use, mental health issues, life skills and accessing employment and training. Training opportunities are available through a variety of internal St Mungo’s teams.

Total spaces


Further information

Public transport

We are a 5 minute walk from 3 main underground stations at Covent Garden, Holborn and Tottenham Court road tubes.