Streets 2 Homes Accommodation
Who is the project for?
Who do we help?
18+ adults who have been or would be sleeping rough.
Minimum age accepted
Maximum age accepted
How to get a referral
Referral agencies
Assessed through our day centre.
Referral procedure
Assessed through our day centre provision, then referred to the Step 2 team. Referrals must have a local connection.
Length of stay
Minimum stay
Maximum stay
1 Year
Support and accommodation
Support offered
4 staff - lone working from 9am to 12 midnight 7 days a week.
Emergency number for other hours.
Residents may approach any staff member or choose to have updates with the one they feel most comfortable with.
Advice and support to access external services, build community connections, general support with life skills and cooking etc using the CTI model.
Total spaces
Further information
Public transport
Train station 15 minute walk, bus 5 minute walk