
YMCA Colchester

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Young single homeless or vulnerably housed people aged 16-25 with low-medium support needs. Residents must be committed to actively seek training or employment. Priority given to those with a local connection to Colchester.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Referrals via Colchester Joint Referral Panel. Will accept self referrals but will also be directed to Joint Referral panel

Referral procedure

Phone Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Application form completed by applicant and referral agency. Referrals allocated by Joint Referral Panel. Require proof of ID. Interview. Successful applicants placed on waiting list.

Length of stay

Minimum stay

3-6 Months

Maximum stay

2 Years

Support and accommodation

Support offered

Head of Service, 1 Manager, 2 full time housing officers, 2 night staff on a rota basis and bank or security staff. 1 Cleaner, 1 Caretaker. Staffed 24/7 waking nights. Individual and group well-being meetings around budgeting, job searching, accessing education, and action plans with agreed outcomes reviewed according to each resident's needs. Staff offer support on life skills, budgeting, benefits and refer residents on for employment and training. YMCA has links with local providers.

Total spaces



Bedsit with own kitchen and bathroom

Further information

Public transport

Colchester town railway station Various bus routes