
North London YMCA

Who is the project for?

Who do we help?

Young single homeless people aged 18-35, including ex-offenders, refugees and young people leaving care. Must have a connection to LB Haringey for at least 6 out of previous 12 months.

Who we cannot help

History of arson, violence, schedule 1 or sex offence. Unmanaged addictions. Danger to self or others.



Minimum age accepted


Maximum age accepted


How to get a referral

Referral agencies

Accept referrals from preferred agencies - Haringey Council, No Second Night Out, Hope World Wide, Social Services, Probation.

Referral procedure

Phone 8am -10pm. Assessment. Interview. Must have 2 proofs of ID and proof of benefits where possible and be eligible for benefits or in work. Inform link available for referrals

Length of stay

Minimum stay

≤ 1 Month

Maximum stay

2 Years

Support and accommodation

Support offered

Housing and HRS; mostly generic needs, but some complex needs at one of our sites

Total spaces



Mix of provisions available across 3 sites

Further information

Public transport

Turnpike Lane or Finsbury Park tubes - 30 mins walk. Buses 41, 91, W3, W7.