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Last updated: 07 April 2022

Increasingly we are hearing about Anxiety. The number of people reporting anxiety states has risen sharply since the outbreak of the COVID-19, and the pandemic has heightened the symptoms and reported cases of people experiencing OCD.

This webinar provides an understanding and awareness of Anxiety Disorder and OCD, which can help alert you to symptoms and be better able to relate to and support people in your personal and professional lives.

Webinar content

  • What is Anxiety and is this different from Anxiety Disorder?
  • What are the symptoms and types of Anxiety Disorders?
  • The impact of Anxiety Disorders
  • OCD – what is it?
  • Is there a difference between being Obsessive and Compulsive and does it matter?
  • Types of OCD and the impact on quality of life
  • Treatments and support that are available
  • Understanding Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Please note: Homeless Link do not endorse the use of meditation due to it not being recommended for some mental/emotional health conditions, diagnosed or undiagnosed.

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