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Last updated: 25 September 2023

Who is this document for?

Clinical psychologists who are currently working in homelessness services or who are thinking about moving into the sector.

Why is it relevant?

People experiencing homelessness are often excluded from mainstream statutory mental health services. This means that people facing homelessness have often not had contact with clinical psychology services, and clinical psychologists have often had no contact with them or the services that support them. It is for this reason, that Wells et al have developed these guidelines: to learn from the small minority of clinical psychologists working in the sector and share their expertise with others.

What are the key takeaways?

  • The guidelines are divided into those relating to ‘direct’ work with people using services and those focused on ‘indirect’ work: supporting others to do their direct work and making broader contributions to the sector through working with systems and engaging in research.
  • Guidelines include adopting a flexible approach, prioritising relationship building, understanding the impact of trauma and the importance of multi-agency working.