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Homeless Link is very pleased to be supporting London's first rough sleeping charter. The charter is a public commitment for Londoners to work together to end rough sleeping. More than 100 charities, faith groups, businesses and people with lived experience have helped to design and develop the charter, creating a shared purpose and vision for tackling the challenge of rough sleeping in the capital.

The charter was launched this morning (December 7) by the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan. There will be widespread publicity across the capital to raise public awareness of rough sleeping.

The Charter sets out six principles for signatories to uphold in their work including:

  • Accepting that whilst people sleeping rough may have problems, they aren’t problem people
  • Recognising that everyone rough sleeping is unique, and there should be meaningful options for all, regardless of immigration status
  • Ensuring that people sleeping rough are safe from violence, abuse, theft and discrimination and that they have the full protection of the law

It also includes key actions that signatories commit to undertake and support:

  • Acknowledging people when they talk to you or ask you for money, even if you decide you would rather not give it to them directly
  • If you see someone sleeping rough who needs help, let Streetlink London know
  • Volunteer, donate, or support a charity who has joined this pledge

Read more about the London Rough Sleeping Charter