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The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) are providing £3 million (£1m Capital & £2m Revenue) of transformation funding for the homelessness, faith, community and voluntary sector to provide single room/ self-contained and COVID-19 secure accommodation for people experiencing homelessness this winter.

Homeless Link in partnership with Housing Justice are distributing the Fund on the Ministry’s behalf. 

The fund is now open; please see key application documents, prospectus and FAQ’s.

  • All Revenue stream applicants can access application documents from our website.
  • Applicants to the Capital stream will receive an email invitation to apply following their successful pre application questionnaire.

Key Dates:

  • 24th May: Pre-application Capital questionnaire deadline; Capital stream full application invitations; Revenue stream opens to applications
  • 21st June: Deadline for Capital applications
  • 5th July: Deadline for Revenue applications
  • 30th July: Capital stream applicants notified of outcome
  • 6th September: Revenue stream applicants notified of outcome

We will also be holding two further webinars present overall guidance and include an opportunity for Q & A:

-       Capital stream applicants will be invited to their webinar via email

-       The Revenue stream webinar will take place on 14th June, please book via our event page.  


This year’s fund builds upon our combined work of the past two years (£1.1million in 2019/20 and £2.4million in 2020/21). This funding is on top of funding provided to local authorities to bring forward winter provision, including the £10 million Cold Weather Fund and £112 million Rough Sleeping Initiative.

Application Tips

From previous years of managing the Fund, we have developed the following tips to consider as you complete your application:

  • Need – make it specific, local and not general. Are you providing a service that is currently not being delivered elsewhere? Tell us.
  • Partners – be clear about who and how you work with them.
  • Outcomes – provide clear and realistic numbers of anticipated people supported.
  • Budget – does it add up correctly? Be clear, representative.
  • Track record and experience – have you provided us with the assurance that you are capable of delivering what you have applied for?
  • Learning and development – have you shown us how you have developed services?
  • Best practice – are you adhering to appropriate guidance and operating principles? Is this evident in your application? Have you demonstrated how your work is transformative?
  • Proportionately – does the amount you’ve applied for correlate to the level of work you are doing? Is the amount applied for larger than your most recent income? Do the outcomes you mention realistically match the work you are planning and the amount you have applied for? 

If you have an enquiry that is not covered in our guidance materials you can send you enquiry to fund@homelesslink.org.uk  or j.quagliozzi@HousingJustice.org.uk . Please insert ‘MHCLG Homelessness Winter Transformation Fund enquiry’ as your email subject and provide your organisation and contact name.