On 8 September 2022, the Government announced that its 'Energy Price Guarantee' will extend to charities for the next six months.

Responding to the announcement, Homeless Link's CEO Rick Henderson said:

"Homelessness services across the country have reported that they’re struggling to meet rising costs, with many considering very tough choices such as scaling back their work, or, in extreme cases, shutting down all together.

“Chief among those costs are energy bills. Therefore, the Government’s announcement that charities will be included in a new six month scheme to protect businesses’ is very welcome. We look forward to seeing further details, but the announcement will ease many of our members worries, allowing them to provide the best support possible to those who need it. The household ‘Energy Price Guarantee’ will also help people at risk of, or experiencing homelessness to pay their bills over the winter.

“However, energy bills are not the only additional cost that homelessness services are having to shoulder at the current time. We will continue to work with Government to make sure the sector has the resources it needs to continue to support people over the coming months.”

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Cropped Stefan Donnelly

Stefan Donnelly

Campaigns Manager

Stefan is Campaigns Manager at Homeless Link