LGBTQI+ people are disproportionately affected by homelessness and are at a higher risk of having substance use and mental health needs due to discrimination, lack of acceptance and abuse. AKT, a national charity supporting LGBTQI+ young people facing homelessness, found that as many as 24% of young people experiencing homelessness identify as LGBTQI+.

At Homeless Link, we want to support our members to make their services as inclusive as possible. Within Stonewall Housing’s current strategy, they state that 97% of their service users told them it was important to them that their caseworker understood what it’s like to be LGBTQI+. Upskilling staff about the issues faced by people who identify as LGBTQI+ will help create an environment where people can be open about their gender identity and get the support they need.

During pride month, we want to share our existing resources to support homelessness services in providing inclusive services, and tailored support to the LGBTQI+ community.

Supporting LGBTQI+ people in homelessness services

This guidance, published jointly with The Outside Project, is for staff who are new to LGBTQI+ needs, or those seeking to make their service more inclusive, welcoming and safe. It includes links to specialist agencies and resources to help you develop service provision tailored to individuals’ needs.

Supporting young trans people in homelessness services

This guidance, published jointly with AKT, helps services to adapt their offer to create safe and welcoming services for young trans people. The guidance will support you and your organisation to reflect and adjust services, so they are trans-inclusive, both for young people, and staff.

Supporting young trans people experiencing domestic abuse

This new briefing, published in June 2024, highlights the experiences of abuse faced by young trans people, the possible barriers to services, and explains the key things homelessness services and practitioners can do to promote inclusion.

Homeless Link have also supported The Outside Project to publish a ‘Top 10 tips for making services more inclusive for trans people’, downloadable here.

Supporting LGBTQ+ women experiencing homelessness

This webinar recording, delivered by Homeless Link alongside colleagues that work in specialist services for LGBTQI+ people experiencing homelessness, discusses experiences of, and best practice in supporting women who identify as LGBTQI+.

Through our grant funded work, we hope to create further resources this year to support our members to provide inclusive, and safe services for the LGBTQI+ community. If you have any suggestions, please email:

Talk To Us


Joanna Turner

National Practice Development Project Manager