As part of Homeless Link’s ongoing work with the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, the Homeless Health Consortium* are talking about how cancer screening can work better for people experiencing homelessness. As part of this project, we are keen speak with frontline workers from across the homelessness sector to dig deeper into all things screening, and how cancer clinicians can work with you to improve screening rates among people experiencing homelessness.

The workshop will take place on Wednesday 31st January 2024 from 10-11.30am. If you’re interested in attending, please fill in this form.

We know cancer is not a common conversation when working with people experiencing homelessness, but encouraging people to engage in routine cancer screening can save lives. Nearly one in three deaths while homeless are attributable to illnesses that would have responded to timely healthcare, and cancer is no exception.

Screening and early detection dramatically increases the likelihood that cancers can be treated and resolved, but our Unhealthy State of Homelessness research shows that cancer screening rates are much lower for people experiencing homelessness than the general population. Inequalities in cancer screening means that, for the people we support, cancer is often detected much later, when it is likely to be in a more advanced stage and with a higher chance of mortality.

We want to see that change. To do so, we are working with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities to come up with solutions that will improve screening rates among people experiencing homelessness. We know that key workers play a vital role as advocates and navigators of healthcare systems. This workshop builds on discussions with screening practitioners to learn what you need, in order to feel confident supporting people through the screening process.

No prior experience of supporting people through cancer screening is necessary, although some experience of healthcare-related support would be useful. We are looking to speak to people who hold a caseload or who manage workers who do. If you are interested in attending please fill in this form or email Cat Tottie to find our more. Spaces are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, so get in touch ASAP to avoid disappointment.

*The Homeless Health Consortium are a partnership between Homeless Link, Groundswell and Pathway

Talk To Us


Cat Tottie

Policy Manager