Homeless Link's Chief Executive Rick Henderson has welcomed the result of the General Election and the appointment of Angela Rayner as Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

He said "I welcome the commitment in the Labour Manifesto to a cross-government homelessness strategy which our members have consistently called for. And we welcome the early focus of the new government on providing more housing. We are hoping this will be followed up by a homelessness task force, announcements on sustainable finance for the sector and Housing First.

"There is much detail to be discussed and I have asked the Secretary of State for an urgent meeting so that we can begin to work together on our mission to end homelessness."

In the early days of the new government, Homeless Link will be reaching out to new Ministers and back bench MPs, providing briefings on critical issues and representing the voice of the sector. We have also produced a campaign pack to help members reach out to their new constituency MPs.

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Nye Jones

Campaigns Manager

Nye is Campaigns Manager at Homeless Link