When we are trying to improve practice across the homelessness sector, it's always great to be inspired by positive examples from people already doing great work. That's why we are publishing these three new cases studies on youth homelessness.

Over the past month youth homelessness charities have joined together to highlight the extent of youth homelessness in the country: last year 129,000 young people approached their council for support. Centrepoint reports almost a third of these young people were not even been assessed for eligibility. Of those seen and assessed, only 38% experienced a positive outcome. This number is just the tip of the iceberg, with thousands more young people in hidden homeless situations.

We need solutions that prevent young people from entering homelessness. We know barriers to accessing services include young people not knowing where to go, complex systems, responses that do not recognise challenges faced by young people, and a lack of youth informed supports and pathways.

But what might change look like on the ground? What can local areas do to improve their responses to young people and prevent youth homelessness? We’ve been collecting examples of actions local areas have taken to tailor their support the needs of young people. Interventions that improve young people’s ability to identify and access support, and that prevent youth homelessness.

Examples such as the Birmingham Youth Hub, a psychologically informed, and multi-disciplinary space co-delivered by housing services, social services and the charity St Basil’s. Or Cumbria County Council’s no-wrong-door approach, which includes an online information hub and a dedicated youth homelessness and housing team, and is designed around the needs of young people at risk in rural areas. We’ve also collected examples of interventions targeting those most at risk, for example Oldham’s approach that all care leavers are in priority need until their 25th birthday, and that no care leaver will ever be found intentionally homeless.

These resources have been designed to provide snapshots of good and promising practice. We know the time-pressures and challenges faced by local authorities and services; our briefings provide short overview of actions taken, positive outcomes and challenges overcome, that can be used to generate ideas, spark conversation and be explored in greater depth when needed.

Read more about prevention in practice, including further cases studies.

Tell us about what you’re doing to prevent youth homelessness in your area.

Questions? Get in touch for more information about any of the practice you’re interested in learning more about.

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