We have been approached by Children in Need's Emergency Essentials Programme.

The programme provides items that meet a child’s most basic needs such as a bed to sleep in, a cooker to provide a hot meal and other items or services critical to a child’s wellbeing.

They are looking for Homeless Link organisational members to register as referrers for children and vulnerable young people.

What is Emergency Essentials?

Emergency Essentials grants are for children and young people living with severe poverty as well as having additional exceptional pressures or crisis.

They can deliver or fund critical items such as: Gas or electric cookers; Essential household items; Furniture and kitchen equipment; Children’s beds and bedding; Washing machines; Fridges and freezers; Baby equipment; Clothing in an emergency (including school uniform).


Who can be helped?

  • Children from birth to 17
  • Vulnerable children and young people who are experiencing a crisis or emergency

All grants are discretionary, subject to meeting eligibility criteria and available funding.


By exceptional difficulties or crisis they mean an unexpected occurrence outside of the child or young person’s control. The following are not exhaustive, but are to give examples of the events and circumstances that could be considered:

  • Homelessness/unsettled way of life
  • Domestic abuse
  • Mental health or behavioural difficulties
  • Bereavement
  • Alcohol or substance misuse
  • Estrangement or abandonment
  • Disability, serious or chronic illness
  • Abuse or neglect
  • Family member of household is in prison
  • Trafficking or exploitation/gang involvement

Registering as a Referrer/Making an Application

The grant programme is a referrer only programme and you can find out more information about what being a referrer for the fund means in these guidelines:

You can also find more information on this website.

If you would like any help, advice or support, please get in contact by using the following details:

Registering as a referrer: cinofficial@familyfundservices.co.uk

Partnership Manager Contact: Gemma.Walker@familyfundservices.co.uk

Partnerships Team: cinpartnerships@familyfundservices.co.uk