Morgan Harries, our Partnership Manager for the East & East Midlands, shares the importance of World Homeless Day to homelessness organisations in Leicestershire.

This 10th of October, I will be in Corby to speak at Leicestershire’s World Homeless Day event. I’m going to be sharing some insights about the national trends in homelessness data – about the increase in people being evicted under section 21 notices, the asylum seekers being ejected from Home Office hotels straight onto the streets, and the families who remain in unsuitable B&B rooms with nowhere to cook food for their children for weeks and months on end.

While this is all important information, I think that on World Homeless Day it is better to hear from the services themselves – the people who show up to work every day and support the real people represented in the data.

Together Leicester:

By its very existence, World Homeless Day demonstrates that homelessness knows no borders, it exists all around the world, in all of our cities and local communities.

"Homelessness is about so much more than the absence of somewhere, or someone. Just as a home is so much more than four walls, or simply a roof over your head. Being homeless carries with it a sense of powerlessness and frustration, often a feeling of being invisible and unheard.

Against this stark backdrop, there is reason to be hopeful and that lies in the strength and breadth of services and people In Leicester and Leicestershire, who help people every single day under ever challenging circumstances. Leicester's Homelessness Charter will continue to bring people, organisations, statutory bodies and business together around our shared vision of ending homelessness."

The Bridge, East Midlands:

Here at The Bridge we believe everyone deserves a safe and secure home. World Homeless Day is a vital opportunity to reflect on progress, share information and amplify the voices of those experiencing homelessness.

"Preconceived ideas and unfair judgment of homelessness, rough sleeping and the housing crisis are not only a detriment to the compassionate and collaborative communities we are all trying to foster, but they create a huge obstacle for vulnerable people who are worried about taking the first step to support: fear of reaching out.

The reality is that homelessness is a few small steps away from anybody- particularly in today’s financial uncertainty and lack of affordable living options. We are proud to be a member of the LLR Homelessness Alliance participating in this event and looking forward to building partnerships and opportunities to collaborate on solutions towards meaningful prevention and relief of homelessness."

Action Homeless:

World Homeless Day provides an opportunity to reflect and re-focus as we seek to break the cycle of homelessness which blights the lives of so many people and families here in Leicester and across the world.

"In Leicester, we're seeing unprecedented numbers of people experiencing homelessness meaning hundreds of vulnerable adults, children and parents facing the daily challenges which come with being placed in temporary accommodation, hotels and B&B's whilst their homelessness is resolved. Their lives are turned upside down, full of uncertainty and disconnected from routine and home comforts.

We'll spend World Homelessness Day connecting with our partners in Leicester in Leicestershire, together striving for solutions whilst recommitting ourselves to breaking the cycle of homelessness for everyone affected in our community."

Falcon Support:

World Homeless Day offers a valuable opportunity to raise awareness about homelessness and advocate for those most vulnerable in our communities.

"The World Homeless Day Networking Event fosters collaboration across Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland, and shines a light on the amazing support services, housing, and healthcare sector in the area that helps to prevent and relieve homelessness.

The homeless sector remains a critical lifeline and the last safety net for those most excluded in society. This event brings together key stakeholders, fostering collaboration and meaningful partnerships to explore actionable solutions that can truly improve the lives of individuals experiencing homelessness.”

Talk To Us


Morgan Harries

Partnership Manager (East of England)