Rough Sleeping Snapshots
2023 Annual Review of Support for Single Homeless People in England
Homeless Link's annual survey of homelessness sector support tracks changes in the nature and availability of services, the support needs and circumstances of the people accessing services, and opportunities and challenges for the sector.
Rough Sleeping Snapshot Estimates Toolkit 2024
Local authority leads and snapshot estimate coordinators should follow this guidance to plan and execute their annual rough sleeping snapshot estimate, and have it verified by Homeless Link ready for online submission to MHCLG no later than Friday 6th December 2024.
Rough Sleeping Snapshot Estimates Toolkit 2023
Local authority leads and snapshot estimate coordinators should follow this guidance in order to plan and execute their annual rough sleeping snapshot estimate, and have it verified by Homeless Link, ready for online submission to DLUHC no later than 8th December 2023.
2022 Annual Review of Support for Single Homeless People in England
The annual survey of services for people who at risk of homelessness shows an increase in demand for services, whilst the number of bed spaces is reducing. It highlights a growth in the number of people presenting with complex needs.
Ending Rough Sleeping Data Framework: Webinar
This webinar with Centre for Homelessness Impact (CHI) discusses the new Rough Sleeping Data Framework & provides concrete examples of how it is already working well for the local authorities that have piloted the framework.
2020 Rough Sleeping Snapshot Statistics
An analysis of the 2020 rough sleeping snapshot estimates
Devastating rough sleeping must end here says Homeless Link
The number of people sleeping rough has increased by 20% since last year. And the number of people housed in temporary accommodation is up by 16%. Read Homeless Link's response.
New women's rough sleeping census
The latest edition of the Women's Rough Sleeping Census has been published, Alex Smith reports from the launch event with more details.
Atlas of Homelessness Services in London - 2024 release now online!
The new edition of the most comprehensive homelessness website in London pulling together services and data has now been published. There is some exclusive new data as well as updates across 33 London Boroughs
Shocking statistics show urgent need for action on rental reform.
Quarterly statistics on statutory homelessness show a big rise. This is Homeless Link's media response.
Rough sleeping in England rises by over a quarter: Homeless Link responds
3,069 people were estimated to be sleeping rough in England on any given night in 2022.
Homeless Link responds to “encouraging” figures which show a fall in rough sleeping in London
Homeless Link's Response to the 2021-22 Annual CHAIN figures, showing a reduction in the number of people rough sleeping in London.