Applications are open now

Open exclusively to Homeless Link members, these awards offer a fantastic opportunity to showcase your service's achievements and recognise your team's successes. For detailed terms and conditions, you can refer to the Excellence Awards 2025 Terms and Conditions.

Applications will close on 10am Thursday 17th April 2025.

Submit your application
Group talking

Award categories

This year's award categories are designed to recognise the impactful and wide-range of services our members deliver to support people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

  • WD EA logo

    The Workforce Development Award

    This award celebrates organisations within the homelessness sector that prioritise the professional growth and wellbeing of their staff. We are looking for initiatives that create a thriving, skilled workforce; this could include projects that: provide opportunities for knowledge growth, create the space for career development, or promote a supportive and nurturing working environment that retains staff. We are interested in hearing about your organisation's approach to workforce development, the tangible outcomes achieved, and how it is making a positive impact on the lives of both staff and the people they support.
  • DI EA logo

    The Demonstrating Impact Award

    This award recognises organisations that are able to clearly demonstrate their effectiveness, and their ability to learn from what works.  We are interested in hearing about how you measure the difference your service is making. We want to hear about your methodologies and tools used, as well as how the evidence is being used to shape the support you provide to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
  • ES EA logo

    The Excellent Support Award

    This award celebrates the heart of homelessness delivery; those core support services that make a real difference in peoples’ lives. Whether it's through day provision, an accommodation service, an outreach team or specialist health care, we're interested in initiatives that can show tangible results in supporting individuals out of homelessness. We are seeking inclusive and accessible services that provide tailored support to meet individuals’ needs and aspirations. Share how your organisation's person focused approach is making a difference and helping to end or prevent someone from experiencing homelessness.
  • UHS EA logo

    The Unlocking Housing Supply Award

    Ensuring there is access to suitable, affordable accommodation is critical to preventing and resolving homelessness. But faced with a chronic housing shortage this can be extremely challenging. This award celebrates organisations that are creative in how they are increasing the supply of appropriate accommodation for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness. We are interested in all accommodation models, including but not limited to, long-term move-on accommodation, “off the streets” accommodation options, specialist supported housing or Housing First provision. It may include how you have sourced alternative funding, formed an unusual partnership, acquired access to empty properties, developed community-led housing or any other initiative that has increased your access to affordable accommodation. We want to hear about how you have sourced and funded this accommodation, the model of accommodation provided and the outcomes you are achieving.
  • SP EA logo

    The Successful Partnerships Award

    This award celebrates organisations within the homelessness sector that can demonstrate exceptional collaboration and partnership initiatives. It acknowledges partnerships that extend beyond traditional boundaries, whether they involve corporate collaborations, partnerships with other public sector entities such as probation or hospitals, or engagement in local strategic alliances. We're interested in hearing about the innovative ways your organisation has formed a partnership to address homelessness; the collaborative efforts undertaken, and the impactful outcomes achieved as a result. We invite you to share how this partnership has contributed to advancing your mission, improving service delivery, and is ultimately making a difference in the lives of those affected by homelessness.
"Winning such a prestigious award was a morale booster for the team. It validated their hard work and dedication, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment.”
StreetVet, 2024 Winner

Winners of the Excellence Awards will be announced at our Summer Conference

Join your colleagues in the homelessness sector for a two-day conference of learning, networking, and sharing solutions for supporting those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

The Judges

  • Duncan, CEO, St Martin-in-the-Fields

    Duncan Shrubsole

    CEO, St Martin-in-the-Fields

  • Michelle Binfield

    Michelle Binfield

    Director of Programmes and Implementation, CHI

  • Minnie Rahmen, CEO, Praxis;

    Minnie Rahmen

    CEO, Praxis

  • Mary Foulkes, Shelter;

    Mary Foulkes OBE FCIPD

    Director of Equity, Inclusion and Culture, Shelter

  • Rick-henderson

    Rick Henderson

    Chief Executive, Homeless Link

"Winning the Excellence Award has had a significant impact on Nadiya. The recognition from such a respected organisation has raised our profile within the sector and strengthened our credibility with partners and funders."
Nadiya, 2024 Winner

Past winners

Our 2024 Excellence Awards had an outstanding 149 entries and a highly competitive shortlist of 30 organisations. Within this list, five winners were picked for their innovative and impactful contributions to supporting people experiencing homelessness. An additional six organisations were highly commended for their outstanding work.

Meet the 2024 winners
Award winners logos 24

Talk To Us


Kate Alaway

Head of National Workforce Development

Kate is Homeless Link's Head of National Workforce Development. She manages the team who provide services designed to help create a high-performing homelessness workforce with the skills, knowledge and behaviours to provide professional and consistent support to people experiencing homelessness, and the recognition for this expertise.