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Welcome Day

9th April - in-person (London venue)

The induction session will offer you an opportunity to meet your fellow participants and programme facilitators online; find out more about what to expect from Emerging Leaders; and set your personal objectives for the programme.

  • Introductions and programme overview
  • Getting ready to work together
  • Personal objectives
  • Reflective Practice (RP) and programme support.


Our workshops are designed to take you on a leadership development journey, with the aim of helping you move beyond the processes required to be a competent manager by learning the specific behaviours and skills needed to be an effective leader in the homelessness sector, Emerging Leaders is for those who are ready to take the next step in their career.

Expand your understanding of yourself and how to interact more effectively with others

  • Define what a ‘great’ leader looks like – including behaviours and skills
  • Understand how to create the right climate to be able to deliver business performance
  • Define the difference between managing and leading, and understand your own style
  • Identify your beliefs and values and how they link with your organisation’s values
  • Develop your ability to communicate assertively, effectively, and authentically
  • Understand the role of emotions and Emotional Intelligence
  • Know how to engage, how to inspire and how to motivate your staff
  • Understand the importance of being an effective role-model
  • Develop creative thinking skills to problem solve and make decisions
  • Define what a ‘high performing team’ looks like and how to achieve that
  • Understand how to drive organisational performance through development and growth
  • Understand the parameters of effective Third Sector governance
  • Consider what is needed to achieve positive attendance and staff retention
  • Define performance management and how to identify, develop and build-on people's individual strengths
  • Develop your confidence, resilience and well-being to allow you to lead from the front
  • Develop a personal action

Leading You

16 April - England | 17 April - London

Understand who you are as a leader, set clear and realistic objectives that will be nurtured during the life of the programme.

  • Understanding your behaviour – using the DISC method
  • How to adapt your style and behaviour to others
  • Delivering business performance and creating the right climate
  • Setting clear objectives
  • Refining your personal objective
  • Action planning.

Leading Others

7 May - England | 8 May - London

An opportunity to dig into what a successful leader looks like and what that means for you and your organisation.

  • Progress review
  • What makes a ‘great’ leader in the homelessness sector?
  • Leadership vs. management
  • Leadership styles and authentic leadership
  • Leading by example through modelling: person-centred, strength-based, and trauma-informed leadership; and ‘living’ your organisational vision
  • Action planning.

Leading Mindsets

4 June - England | 5 June - London

Taking your leadership to the next level, understanding what values led leadership looks like, thinking beyond the obvious leadership traits and getting to grips with how to be a collaborative and creative leader.

  • Progress review
  • Values-led leadership
  • Communicating with structure, purpose and Emotional Intelligence
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Creative thinking to inspire personal and team problem solving focused on Influencing, negotiating and persuasion – (De Bono)
  • Action planning.

Leading Teams

25 June - England | 26 June - London

How you get the best out of your teams, including during the difficult times when additional support is often needed.

  • Progress review
  • Team dynamics, team development and developing great teams
  • Supporting teams through crisis and/or difficult times
  • Working cross-culturally
  • Using ‘Appreciative Inquiry’ to develop and grow understanding of what works, what needs to change, and the part you play in making that happen
  • Action planning.

Leading Business Performance

16 July - England | 17 July - London

Focusing on the business side of leadership, ensuring you have everything in place to thrive.

  • Progress review
  • Key drivers of business in homelessness sector including both internal and external factors
  • Governance and working with your Board
  • Key principles of; financial management, organisational risk and added value (social impact)
  • Partnership working – leading peers and collaborative innovation
  • Action planning.

Leading People

6 August - England | 7 August - London

Your organisation is the people who work in it, ensuring they are supported, inspired and encouraged is key to the success of your organisation. This workshop will give you the opportunity to delve into staff development and support.

  • Progress review
  • Talent Management – staff development and emerging needs
  • Role and purpose of supervision
  • Mentoring vs coaching – using OSCAR
  • Challenging behaviour and difficult conversations
  • Action planning.

Leading Peoples Performance

10 September - England | 11 September - London

Leading People Performance gives you the skills and knowledge to support staff to be the best they can be.

  • Progress review
  • Performance management
  • Supporting staff to navigate sickness and vacancies
  • Inspiring, motivating and delegating to develop and deliver
  • Circles of influence and control
  • Action planning.

Leading from the Front

24 September - England | 25 September - London

Being a successful leader can be challenging, ensuring you have the tools in place to look after yourself with the space to prioritise your work will take your ability to lead to the next level.

  • Progress review
  • Leading well and leading strong –self-management and self-care
  • Working under pressure – time management and prioritising
  • Troubleshooting session – challenges to implementing learning
  • Personal Action Planning and next steps
  • Programme debrief and CEO ‘Top Tips’.

Celebration Day

We round off the programme with a Celebration Day at our offices in London - an opportunity to reflect on the success of the programme, think through next steps and understand how participants can continue to support each other.

  • [Leadership] Amanda Tooth

    Amanda Tooth

    Amanda has over thirty years’ experience of working in the criminal justice and homelessness field, both operationally and strategically. This includes the criminal justice system in the UK, and the Republic of Ireland. Her most recent role was a senior strategic management role at London Probation as the Partnership Manager for Housing and Homelessness (with responsibility for 16 London boroughs as well as the national lead in key areas). Since May 2008, Amanda has been independent, working across the UK as well as internationally. Over the years she has developed her areas of specialism and expertise to focus on supporting organisations to develop genuinely person-centred, trauma-informed services with strong leadership.
  • Coach-Syane-Findlay

    Syane Findlay

    Syane has a passion to support and empower organisations, teams, and individuals to experience positive transformation and achieve goals through mindset, behaviour change and leadership development. Prior to becoming a Homeless Link Associate, Syane worked for five years as a Coach/Trainer for two London-based homelessness charities. In 2014 she became an independent consultant and has since developed and facilitated numerous group and 1:1 coaching/training sessions in the UK and internationally for a range of people from apprentices to c-suite, working across the public, private, corporate and third sector. Syane is a skilled and engaging facilitator and coach, and she creates a supportive and encouraging environment where people can learn and grow.