Welcome Day

The Welcome Day will offer you an opportunity to meet your fellow participants and programme facilitators online; find out more about what to expect from Emerging Leaders; and set your personal objectives for the programme.

  • Introductions and programme overview
  • Getting ready to work together
  • Personal objectives
  • Reflective Practice (RP) and programme support.


The aim of this programme is to offer you the opportunity to explore, reflect and develop your knowledge and skills, so that you may move beyond the processes required to be a competent manager, to become an effective leader.

  • Expand your understanding of how you think and process so that you can communicate more effectively with others
  • Explore what a ‘great’ leader in the homelessness sector looks like, including behaviours and skills
  • Understand the relationship between culture and climate
  • Consider the difference between managing and leading, including approaches and styles
  • Strengthen your approach to providing feedback to support and develop
  • Consider how to engage, inspire and motivate
  • Explore team development and team dynamics
  • Understand the importance of creating a learning environment for development and growth
  • Expand your understanding of VCS/third sector governance
  • Develop a personal action plan to support your on-going development.

Module 1: Leading you

Understand who you are as a leader, set clear and realistic objectives that will be nurtured during the life of the programme.

  • Your personal objective for the workshops
  • Understanding your communication style and behaviour
  • How to adapt and flex for better outcomes
  • Creating the right climate to improve performance
  • Action planning.

Module 2: Leading others

An opportunity to dig into what a successful leader looks like and what that means for you and your organisation.

  • Progress and reflections
  • What makes a great leader in the homelessness sector
  • Leadership versus management inc. styles and approaches
  • Leading by example and the Trust Equation ®
  • Action planning.

Module 3: Leading mindsets

Taking your leadership to the next level, understanding what values led leadership looks like, thinking beyond the obvious leadership traits and getting to grips with how to be a collaborative and creative leader.

  • Progress and reflections
  • Leading from the inside out
  • Communication essentials for leaders
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Action planning.

Module 4: Leading teams

How you get the best out of your teams, including during the difficult times when additional support is often needed.

  • Progress and reflections
  • Team challenge identification
  • Team dynamics and development
  • Supporting teams through dysfunction and crisis
  • Action planning.

Module 5: leading growth

Your organisation is the people who work in it, ensuring they are supported, inspired and encouraged is key to the success of your organisation.

  • Progress and reflections
  • Creating a learning organisation
  • Inspire, motivate and delegate
  • Difficult conversations and practice sets
  • Action planning.

Module 6: leading business performance

Focusing on the business side of leadership, ensuring you have everything in place to thrive.

  • Progress and reflections
  • Overview of VCS/third sector governance
  • Systems leadership
  • Troubleshooting
  • Developing a personal action plan.

Celebration Day

We round off the programme with a Celebration Day at our offices in London - an opportunity to reflect on the success of the programme, think through next steps and understand how participants can continue to support each other.

  • [Leadership] Amanda Tooth

    Amanda Tooth

    Amanda has over thirty years’ experience of working in the criminal justice and homelessness field, both operationally and strategically. This includes the criminal justice system in the UK, and the Republic of Ireland. Her most recent role was a senior strategic management role at London Probation as the Partnership Manager for Housing and Homelessness (with responsibility for 16 London boroughs as well as the national lead in key areas). Since May 2008, Amanda has been independent, working across the UK as well as internationally. Over the years she has developed her areas of specialism and expertise to focus on supporting organisations to develop genuinely person-centred, trauma-informed services with strong leadership.
  • Coach-Syane-Findlay

    Syane Findlay

    Syane has a passion to support and empower organisations, teams, and individuals to experience positive transformation and achieve goals through mindset, behaviour change and leadership development. Prior to becoming a Homeless Link Associate, Syane worked for five years as a Coach/Trainer for two London-based homelessness charities. In 2014 she became an independent consultant and has since developed and facilitated numerous group and 1:1 coaching/training sessions in the UK and internationally for a range of people from apprentices to c-suite, working across the public, private, corporate and third sector. Syane is a skilled and engaging facilitator and coach, and she creates a supportive and encouraging environment where people can learn and grow.