Promoting evidence-based and promising practices

Homeless Link plays a key role in promoting evidence-based and promising practices across the sector, in order to help those delivering and designing services.

We do this in a variety of ways, via our staff and by platforming good practice through our resources, events and training, and blogs. We also host the Excellence Awards, which celebrates innovative and impactful work delivered by Homeless Link’s members.

Legislative Theatre

"Legislative Theatre, is an innovative, inclusive, and joyful participatory democracy methodology that directly challenges injustices in governments and institutions, bringing residents, policymakers, and advocates together into creative dialogue and offering a rigorous testing space for equitable, human-centred policy and practice” Katy Rubin, 2023

Find out more about Legislative Theatre

Innovative and emerging practices

Due to our national reach, contact with hundreds of organisations in England and further afield, we are also in a position to identify innovative and emerging practices that are not yet evidence, mainstreamed or well known. These practices can be new types of services, projects, approaches or interventions.

We spend time learning about the practices, and understanding the challenges and solutions for implementation. We then look for opportunities to share information about these practices more widely, so that others can learn from what is being done.

Sharing innovative practice

We hope to explore some practices in more depth, but will also maintain a database of practices for future reference.

If you would like to tell us about something you or someone else is doing that is having a promising impact for people experiencing homelessness, please tell us via the link below.

You will be asked to share some basic information about:

  • What the practice is and key contact information so we can follow up
  • Why the practice was created and the impact it is having
  • Challenges and key learning

We will never share information without speaking to the main contact first.

Tell us about innovative practice

Please take a moment to complete this form and share an innovative and emergent practice. It will take no more than 10 minutes of your time. Thank you for your participation!

Launching the Homelessness Practice Incubator Project

Read more about the Homelessness Practice Incubator Project project, our exciting initiative that could drive innovation across the sector.

Find out more