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Day Centre
Off the Fence - Project Antifreeze
People experiencing homelessness or at risk of being homeless.
Day Centre
KiP @ Maninplace
Rough sleepers, and people experiencing homelessness.
Day Centre
Oasis Community Housing – Basis Drop-In Sunderland
Anyone needing housing support, particularly homeless people/those at risk of homelessness.
Day Centre
Two Saints - Safe Haven (Newport IOW)
People experiencing a mental health crisis.
Ashford Place
Vulnerable people with a connection to the London Borough of Brent.
Day Centre
Connection Support - Banbury Beacon
People who are homeless, poorly housed or socially excluded.
Stonepillow - Bognor Hostel
People aged over 18 who are homeless. Can accept couples and people with dogs with an agreement that the dog is registered with the dogs trust and subject to risk assessment. People with a local connection are prioritised, and those already accessing Stonepillow day centres will also be a priority.
T.h.o.m.a.s. Organisation
People who have drug or alcohol misuse issues, including ex-offenders and homeless people.
Day Centre
Portsmouth City Council and Society of St James (SSJ) - Rough Sleeping Hub
Rough Sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping in Portsmouth. Singles and couples aged 18 and over.
Day Centre
Restart Lives
Day Centre
Bury Drop In
People who are homeless and/or rough sleeping.
SHP - Highbury New Park
Single homeless people with a significant offending history that require 24/7 cover - Male only scheme with double cover during the day. Must have a connection with London Borough of Islington.